Monday, August 8, 2011

Ike's first Swim

Hi everyone;
Well, usually water and I don't really go too well together but we had the opportunity, thanks to an invitation from Sandy's niece Teri and her husband Kyle to go up and enjoy some time at their lake house (BIG THANKS TO KYLE AND TERI). So, I asked Teri if Ike could come as I didn't want to leave him at home or have him go to day camp (although he really likes it there). She said sure he is always welcome. So with that good news I thought it would be a very good time to see if Ike has any desire or disdain for water. Well let's just say he won't challenge Michael Phelps for any speed records but he sure didn't mind getting "his feet wet" so to speak.
See a couple of videos - I didn't get his best stuff as I got brave and got in the water with him but didn't have anyone else video tape... Enjoy!

Teri has a couple of good shots of us out in the water on her blog (Burritt family link from our blog) of Ike wanting to drive the boat etc. All kidding aside, water is for dogs just like for people - good low impact exercise and since it is only 22 days until dove season... :) Until then -"Ike keep on paddling!"


  1. Thanks for bringing the entertainment! Kyri had a blast teaching Ike to swim. : ) And she's still talking about it. Glad you guys were able to come!

  2. Looks like Ike was having fun!
