Well as of 3/31 our hunting season is over until the Fall, so we took the opportunity to do one last continental shoot out at Hickory Grove with our sportsman club. While I enjoy the continental shoot - an "Americanized" version of the old driven hunts from Europe I really go for the clean up afterwards to let Ike work finding the birds that get away.
We had really good weather - muddy, as the recent warmth had driven the frost from the ground and some of the slogging through the cornfields got pretty tough but we had a good time. I had asked my neighbor to go and he brought his GSP from the same breeder we got Ike from and they really worked well together... Check out this picture of 3 GSPs all honoring each other on point for a single bird (Ike's the top one and Shayna is the one on the bottom). Ike really worked well - it seemed like I was always saying, "Ike's on point."
Good time was had by all and as of now Ike is in semi-retirement at least until this fall!!
Happy Easter everyone.