Saturday, July 30, 2011

"Pretty Crafty, Ike"

No, this isn't about Ike being "shifty" or him making Christmas decorations, but about me helping a co-worker provide a surprise gift to her nephew. One of my co-worker's nephew had gone on an outward bound camping trip and came back with lots of pictures and memories (and mosquito bites I've been told) and she wanted to present to him a shadow box of some of those photos and memorabilia. Trouble was the standard shapes didn't fit her plan so she asked if I would be willing to try and customize the inside frame to her design. I said I would try... So here are a couple pics of the step by step process as well as the finished product. I think it turned out pretty nice.

Good thing I have lots of clamps :p

See the different configurations (yes you caught me - in this pic the wood needs to be flipped end for end :))

Here's the finished Product. Hope you like it Matt...

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